Print Your Own Color Chips!
Do you already have your own filaments and want to print your own color chips or add to your collection? No problem, stl/3MF files for our color chips are freely available on Printables.
You will find two versions. The primary one is what we use to manufacturer color chips ourselves and is a blank chip that can be labelled. The other version has material and brand debossed to make printing simpler. Just import into your slicer and get printing.
Check them out on Printables!

Storage Boxes
Want somewhere to store all your shiny new chips?
Then print yourself a storage container! We have basic boxes that store 50, 100 and 150 chips. As well as solutions for Gridfinity or your Skadis Pegboard. Available on Printables.

More Accessories!
Want to better organise your collection with labels? Check out our dividers (both two colour and debossed). Want to display your favourite filaments? We have something for that too! Also available on Printables.